Thank you to painter, Caroline Wright for including me in her guide to 2019’s East Austin Studio Tour. Read by clicking the link: here
Excerpt from the article:
A Painter’s Guide to East Austin Studio Tour 2019
Five artists you don’t want to miss on this year’s EAST
With 807 artists taking part in the East Austin Studio Tour, you can't see everything, but these are artists to watch, to engage in conversation, and to invest in while you can afford it!
It's in no small part thanks to EAST that I've made a living as an artist, sometimes with a boost from these pages. I've selected five women working in full-time studios, developing careers that stretch beyond the city limits. Craft is a given. But their perspectives offer something unique, be it the female gaze on boyish rituals or the symbol-laden female form. These abstract painters go to emotional depths through color and the speed of line, making visceral works that will take your breath away or transport you to another place altogether.
#417: ANDREA MARTINEZ Andrea paints a wall across a vast, empty landscape. Starbursts read alternatively as flowers or surveillance lights that never stop shining. She calls this colorful place of layered marks "Borderlandia." "I get to paint the humanity in a place where people are trying to take it away." 2124 E. Sixth, #210
EAST is for weaving in and out of studios, group shows, and free beer hangouts. Introverted and awkward though they may be, artists want to talk to you. Ask questions, take names, and buy art!